We have spoken with Muert de Tenerife who is one of the bands that will play at the Canarias Hard & Heavy Meeting 2018.
Who started the band, where and when?
–Muert came to this world in Tenerife at 2010 by the convened corpses, Ebola (voices / guitars) & Guayota (drums),
Who plays in the band now and what are they playing?
–Ebola: voices & guitar, Guayota: Drums and Satur: Bass
Who inspired you?
-Darkthrone, Bestial Warlust, Blasphemy, Sarcófago, Black Witchery, Archgoat…
Why this name and tell us the meaning of it?
-MUERT (Death in spanish) is the violent sound of the end. Fresh & mature mortuory metal in his most hostile essence, inspired in the complete death. The bestial funeral of life. It’s fanaticism to the cemeteries. Attraction for the graves. It’s the necropolis authority. The abominable destiny and the blackest of the emptyness. Simply hard & direct. MUERT is requiem, the last sound, the black hole of humans. There hasn’t been and won’t be anything equal.
Have you given an album? If so, when and whats the name of them?
-2012: Mysteriorum Prophanationis Sepulcralis. Mastered by Endarker Studio from Sweden (Marduk, Ofermod…). Released by Demonhood Productions(Nor), 2014: Satanic Brotherhood. Split with the bands Necrogoat and Waffenträger Luzifers. Was released by Total Death Records (Ger), 2015: Ahul Xaxo. Released by Self Mutilation Services (Mex) and 2017: Ye Canariae Abezan. Released by Hammerheart Records. Mixed and mastered in Necromorbus Studio(Swe).
Have you played with a famous band?
–Setherial, Primigenium, Black Witchery, Corpus Christii, The Stone, Melechesh, Keep of Kalessin, Horna, Nightbringer, Skyforger, Ancient, Aeternus, Dodheimsgard, Hades, Thornspawn
What are the plans for the future?
-We have recorded two new songs for a next Split with four bands and we are in negotiations to organize a tour through South America with Sargeist.
If you want to know more about the band before seeing them live in Canarias Hard & Heavy Meting, visit their Facebook page: